Understanding Dermal Fillers: Types, Benefits, and Risks


Dermal fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment to enhance facial features, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and restore a youthful appearance. With their increasing popularity, it’s essential to understand the different types of dermal fillers available, their benefits, and the risks involved in the procedure. In this article, we will explore the world of dermal fillers, explaining their types, benefits, risks, and everything you need to know before considering the treatment. If you’re curious about dermal fillers, keep reading to learn how they work and what you can expect from the treatment.

Types of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can be an effective solution to restore volume loss and reduce the signs of aging. Different dermal fillers are available, each with unique properties and benefits. We use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers at Rosewater Aesthetics to provide natural-looking results lasting between six months and two years.

Hyaluronic acid fillers:

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are made up of a substance naturally occurring in the skin. As we age, our structural components break down, leading to sagging, loss of suppleness, and premature aging. These fillers help to hydrate and plump the lips, restore facial volume, and fill creases and folds in the face, emulating bone. With correctly placed fillers, it is possible to create youthful contours that remain undetectable for a long time. The skin naturally breaks down this acid over time; the results typically last between six months and one year.

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers:

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are microscopic calcium particles suspended in a gel. They treat moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds, add volume to the cheeks, and improve facial contours. These fillers can offer longer-lasting results compared to hyaluronic acid fillers, with results lasting up to 18 months.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers:

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers are synthetic dermal fillers that stimulate collagen production in the skin. They are used to treat deep wrinkles, folds, and facial hollows. These fillers offer gradual and long-lasting results but may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired outcome.

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) fillers:

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) are synthetic dermal fillers that provide long-lasting results. They are used to treat deep wrinkles, scars, and facial hollows. These fillers consist of tiny PMMA microspheres suspended in a collagen gel. While they can offer long-lasting results, PMMA fillers are considered more invasive and carry more risks than other fillers.

Autologous fat injections:

Autologous fat injections involve using fat cells from the patient’s body to restore facial volume. This method is known as fat grafting and can offer long-lasting results. However, it is a surgical procedure requiring longer recovery than other dermal fillers. Understanding the different types of dermal fillers available and their unique properties can help you decide which is correct. In the next section, we will specifically explore the benefits of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offer several benefits for those looking to restore volume loss and reduce the signs of aging. Here are some of the benefits of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers:

Natural-Looking Results:

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers provide natural-looking results lasting between six months and two years. The filler is made up of a substance that occurs naturally in the skin, which means it integrates well with the skin and looks natural.

Immediate Results:

The results of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are visible immediately after the treatment. You can see the effects of the treatment right away, which can be satisfying for those who want to see a quick improvement in their appearance.

Minimally Invasive:

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are minimally invasive, which means there is little downtime or recovery needed after the treatment. You can return to your normal activities right after the treatment.

Customizable Treatment:

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are customizable, so your treatment can be tailored to your specific needs and desired outcomes. The filler can be placed in particular areas to create the desired contour and volume.

Reversible Results:

One of the benefits of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers is that the results are reversible. If unsatisfied with the results, the filler can be dissolved with an enzyme injection.

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are a safe and effective way to restore volume loss and reduce the signs of aging. The results are natural-looking, and the treatment is minimally invasive with little downtime. In the next section, we will explore the potential risks and side effects of dermal fillers.

Risks and Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

While dermal fillers are generally safe and well-tolerated, there are some potential risks and side effects to be aware of. Discussing these risks with your provider before undergoing the treatment is essential. Here are some potential risks and side effects of dermal fillers:

Injection-Related Risks:

Injecting any substance into the skin carries risks, such as bleeding, bruising, swelling, and infection. These risks are typically mild and temporary but can be more severe in rare cases.

Allergic Reactions:

Although hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the skin, there is still a small risk of an allergic reaction to the filler. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include itching, redness, and swelling.

Nodules and Granulomas:

Sometimes, the body may react to the filler by forming nodules or granulomas. Small bumps or lumps under the skin can be visible or palpable. They may require additional treatment, such as steroid injections or surgical removal.


Filler migration refers to when the filler moves from the intended treatment area to another area of the face. This can result in an asymmetrical or undesirable appearance.

Rare Complications:

In rare cases, dermal fillers can cause more severe complications, such as vision changes, stroke, or tissue death. These complications are infrequent but should be discussed with your provider before treatment.

Dermal fillers’ risks and side effects are typically mild and temporary. Your provider can help minimize the risks by using appropriate injection techniques and selecting the right type and amount of filler for your individual needs.

Is Dermal Filler Treatment Right for You?

Dermal fillers can be a safe and effective way to restore volume loss and reduce the signs of aging. However, only some are good candidates for the treatment. It is essential to discuss your medical history, current medications, and aesthetic goals with your provider before undergoing dermal filler treatment.

Choosing a qualified, experienced provider using high-quality products is essential if you are considering dermal filler treatment. We use FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal fillers with a proven safety and efficacy track record at Rosewater Aesthetics.

Our experienced providers will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and aesthetic goals. We take a conservative approach to ensure natural-looking results and minimize the risks of complications.

If you want to learn more about dermal fillers and whether they are suitable for you, schedule a consultation with one of our providers today. We are committed to helping you look and feel best with safe and effective aesthetic treatments.


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